Well think again.
Fisher Price. You know it. You love it. So many of us grew up with it. Now our children are growing up with the brand, and it's wonderful. You can still buy the simple classics like the Chatter Telephone, Pull-a-tune Xylophone,
Well. Weeeeeell.
Fasten your seatbelt. Fasten a couple seatbelts.
What would be your most perfect toy to not only help you teach your child, to help you entertain your child on long car trips, and to help you teach your child creativity?
Enter the iXL Learning System.
This little device has SIX different modes; Digital Reader, Game Player, Note Pad, Art Studio, MP3 Player and Photo Viewer. What does that mean? It means you and your child can read books on the iXL 6-in-1 Learning System
. If they come across a challenging word, they can just click on it and the iXL
will say it for them! Children can also set the iXL on Read-to-Me mode, or they can learn about what they are reading in Interact-with-Me mode.
The iXL
also has a game mode, making it a hand-held portable game system that teaches numbers, letters, and sequencing. Children can draw, stamp, and color in the art studio, and they can listen to FOUR HOURS worth of MP3s (it IS headphone compatible!!). In notepad mode, kids can trace upper and lower case letters, and numbers. Last but certainly not least, they can import and view photos from any PC or Mac (usb cord is included).
Licensed software
is available ($24.99 each/sold separately): Ni-Hao Kai Lan, Disney Princess, Handy Manny, BatmanTM, Toy StoryTM and SCOOBY-DOO!TM , Shrek® and SpongeBob SquarePantsTMsoftware CDs currently available;
The iXL Learning System is recommended for children aged 3-7. Check out some cool video of this product in action at http://www.youtube.com/fpixl.
All opinions are 100% mine, Fisher Price provided me with an iXL Learning System to help facilitate this review. No monetary compensation was received.
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