Sunday, July 10, 2011

It Gets Easier! ...And other lies we tell new mothers

I had the opportunity to review this funny and informative book by Claudine Wolk. It Gets Easier! And Other Lies We Tell New Mothers is packed with really good information that I REALLY could have used after having Ava!

The book addresses common issues women face while pregnant, during labor, and those oh-so-stressful months after the baby has arrived. I have to be honest, it was tough, and I am very guilty of saying those three words~ "It gets easier". I mean, it does, because you (hopefully) will sleep again, and if I have sleep, I can handle anything, but as a mom of a feisty two-year-old, I cannot say it's gotten easy. Ha!

I am the type of mom who likes to prepare. I research. I read blogs. I talk with other moms. But I never really quite felt ready.  I have to think that if I had gotten my hands on this little ditty, I might have had half a clue!

Wolk tells it like it is, without being crass and condescending. She writes with experience and humor- something that is invaluable to a new mom.

I love the layout of the book, it's easy-to-navigate and easy-to-follow.  There are tips offered in the side bar, and Wolk includes a summary at the end of each chapter.

Both sides of the breast-feeding debate are addressed, birth plans (and how much of a waste of time they are) are discussed, and there's a whole chapter dedicated to the often-debated idea of schedules.  Wolk includes a resource section in the back, including websites, books, blogs, and my favorite, a New Mom Glossary--LOVE IT!

I think I have found my new baby shower go-to gift, as it truly addresses all important topics for new moms!

We were provided with a sample of this book to help facilitate this review. All opinions are our own.

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